December 16th, 2008

Welcome Volunteer

This celadon beauty is an heirloom pumpkin—a jarrahdale blue.
It grew at the end of a long and persistent vine that originated in the flower bed off my urban front porch and tendriled its way through the yard to the street. I’d like to claim that I had something to with it, but other than allowing last year’s pumpkins to rot and slump into that flower bed, I did not. My prized baby blue is a true volunteer.

Hurray for volunteers!

It’s in that spirit that this blog is created:
A place to share stories, tips, and recipes about foods that I’m cooking at the moment, or finding at a farmer’s market, in a friends garden, my front yard, or teaching about in a class. For all our obsession on food in our culture—the fast, the slow, the exotic, the celebrated—I find that focusing on what we can make simply, with fresh ingredients, can best nourish body and spirit.

Good Food Matters.

Posted in Articles

18 Responses to “Welcome Volunteer”
  1. Sylvia Hutton Says:

    Hi Nancy,

    Your website is fabulous! I plan to make your savory cheesecake over the holidays! Thank you for putting your voice and your recipes out here for us all to enjoy! Loved your blue volunteer pumpkin story, too! You truly have a gift with food and words! Warmly, Sylvia

  2. Jenny Clad Says:

    Nancy — this is really cool! I plan to visit the website often. Not only do I like the recipe but also the format and teaching process. Good for you. Happy holidays! Best wishes, Jenny

  3. Trish Crist Says:

    Nancy—I have greedily enjoyed the savory cheesecake at parties and events…often camping out beside it with a substantial supply of crackers.

    : )

    You’re good!!!

    LOVE the site and the blog.


  4. Emily Passino Says:

    As I was passing the link along to people who will absolutely love your sensibility about good food, I thought I’d take a minute to let you know how pleasing this whole concept is. Your volunteer pumpkin is a great symbol for it all – And so timely here at the holidays, when people can lose sight of why it is we love to have others join us at our dinner table. Thanks – Emily.

  5. Cathy Reef Says:


    Your long and loving relationship with good food well prepared has given you a wealth of knowledge, and your blog demonstrates that you continue to learn and create every day. Thanks so much for sharing with the rest of us. Blogs about food and cooking are my favorites, and I will be back often. ~ Cathy

  6. Judy Saks Says:

    Thanks to Emily, I have found your site and am salivating for more (lunch is only an hour away). I know I will come back often to enjoy your recipes and commentary.

  7. Bev Leiser Says:

    Nancy, The web site is wonderful. I plan to check it frequently for recipes and ideas. I’m sending it to friends. The photos are lovely and who knew turnips could be so sexy. Bev

  8. Dave Four Says:

    Hey Nancy. I’m gonna make GFM a site to regularly check in with. Needing to work on my diet, and my palate. Thanks for the hard work and energy you’re pouring into the community.

  9. Teresa Blackburn Food Styling Says:

    Nance, Fabulous, fun, funky and interesting. I am bookmarking this so that I can quickly keep up on what is happening in your “Blog World”. Good food does matter and thanks for spreading the word. Another Good Food Friend, Teresa B

  10. Carolyn Oehler Says:

    Great job, Nancy. Turnips do not have a great reputation with me either. I’ll be looking for the sweet ones the next time I go to the Franklin Farmers Market. They are open all year now.

    I’ve bookmarked this site for more goodies to come.

    Carolyn Oehler

  11. Amanda Means Says:

    Dear Nancy,

    A friend, Pat McNellis, sent me the information on your food blog. What a great idea! I grew up on a farm in Upstate New York and some of your recipes remind me of things my mother used to cook. I have never heard of those little sweet turnips though and will look for them so I can try your soup. That looks wonderful. I now live in the Hudson River Valley in New York State and there are lots of farmers markets and other great sources of good vegetables, meats and fresh baked goods.

    I’ll definitely stay tuned in to your site.

    Thank you!

    Amanda Means

  12. Susan Knowles Says:


    your blog is a wonderful gift and I have Pat McNellis to thank for letting me know what you are up to. local slow food in Nashville from a creative and talented chef–what could be better?

    I will stay tuned and forward this to like-minded friends who will soon be doing the same.

    happy new year to you and thank you for many years of wonderful lunches, dinners, and parties!


  13. Lou Says:

    Nancy, The blog is great, congratulations!

    Thanks for the explanation of “why to use” and “where to find” powdered egg whites for the icing on my old fashioned Christmas cookies.

    I will be watching online for more good tips to help me out.


  14. Rick Ross Says:

    HI Nancy- I am so glad Pat McNellis steered me to your blog. The BRINE information is fantastic. For once I am inspired to try that. Will let you know how it turns out. Hope some savvy book publisher knocks on your door soon!!
    Cheers. Rick Ross. Mill Valley, CA.

  15. Jane Hardy Says:

    Nancy, I’m happy to learn that this summer(2009), you and Mark Rubin will offer “Cooks Rule” school/camp at Second Harvest Food Bank’s Culinary Arts Center. My son and his friends (ages 12 and 13) learned so much, brought home delicious dinners every night and had a great time. Y’all are inspiring teachers! Thanks!
    Jane Hardy, Nashville, TN

  16. Sue B. Says:

    Nancy — Your blog is fabulous. I’ve flagged it in my favorites and will check back often!

  17. Barbara Sanders Says:


    What a beautiful blog! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. A whole new way to communicate with the world, these blogs. I always appreciate your deep connection to and wisdom about food. Even though I am not a “foodie,” you help me to appreciate why good food matters.

  18. Good Food Matters » Blog Archive » Little Moons Says:

    [...] I’ve been thinking about the ladies and their fine work as I’ve noticed changes in my Volunteer pumpkin. The jarrahdale blue that so valiantly grew in my front yard has been occupying a place of [...]

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